They also sold their goods in other countries. Many companies used raw materials from distant lands. Globalization was accelerated in the nineteenth century with the Industrial Revolution, as mechanical mills and factories became more common. The globalization of Christianity spread from Europe to Latin America through Christian missionaries working with the local populations. Many early European explorers were eager to bring the Christian religion to the regions they visited. When Europeans began establishing colonies overseas, globalization grew. The Silk Road, a trade route between China and the Mediterranean, promoted the exchange of ideas and knowledge, along with trade goods and foods such as silk, spices, porcelain, and other treasures from the East. In fact, there are cities named for Alexander in Iraq (Iskandariya), Egypt (Alexandria), and Turkey (Alexandria Troas). The globalization of Greek culture came with the conqueror Alexander the Great. Globalization in History Globalization has a long history, for example, Ancient Greek culture was spread across much of southwestern Asia, northern Africa, and southern Europe.

As people, ideas, knowledge, and goods move more easily around the globe, the experiences of people around the world become more similar. Globalization results in the expansion of international cultural, economic, and political activities.

Globalization is the connection of different parts of the world.